Principal's Message

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Female PRincipal
Greetings KMMSA School Family,

My name is Ayesha Hannibal, and I will be serving as principal of Kingstree Middle Magnet School of the Arts for the 2023-2024 school year.  This school year KMMSA’s motto is “Driven, Determined, and Focused on Greatness.” One of my main goals this year is to increase academic outcomes in core academic areas by reducing discipline concerns within the classroom and school. This will allow teachers to get back to teaching instead of focusing on discipline problems. Consequently, this allows students to learn in a safe environment. To ensure that discipline issues are reduced, and academic gains are achieved, KMMSA will need continual community support. I am asking the community to take an open-minded approach to the new initiatives that will take place at the school. The initiatives will require support from parents and community members to ensure they are carried out with fidelity. I look forward to working with everyone this school year as we continually make KMMSA great!